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05 May 2008

What a marvelous day!

Absolutely flew to work this morning on the bike, not puffed at all!
First car out!
Some really interesting work to boot!
Middle aged male, correct interpretation of ECG - ST elevation, correct treatment plan, code 3 passed and he gone to cathlab when we returned with the next one. Good job we made a difference. All that training starting way way back at Rozelle counts for something.
A lovely elderly female who keeps having suspicious falls. Zoll showed disassociation between her pacemaker and the ventricular contraction. Needs a tune-up!

And the absolute screamer of a job, youingish female from a gym. Had just started a weights session ??? 10min with dumbbells when sudden onset of central neck pain radiating to occipital region. One vomit on scene, pain not constant, their ???? possible neck muscle spasms. On the way to the original destination there was just one of those gut feelings about the pts presentation and the lack of success with the analgesia. PEARL, no other neuro deficit but,,,,,, change hospital. Triage put us in the sub-acute area but their examination didn't gel for them so off the CT.


Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage.
Bloody beautiful, the gut was right!
All in all a lovely day.
Good work.
Fun with my partner as we cruised the town.

Tracy and I might have some news on that other matter tomorrow but until then,

Be careful out the and I'll see at the big one!


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