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06 May 2008

So what did the second day hold?

Well the quality of yesterdays work was very good and it would have been difficult to expect the similar today, but that's the way it started.
A nasty MVA that had just three of us on it.
A P2, me as a P1 and my level 2 partner worked as an efficient team bringing all our skills into play.
Nothing much really for the pt just ABC.
A scoop and run job, 12 minutes from arrival on scene, package the pt, load an' go, second assessment, obs, code 3 passed, drive as smooth as a baby's bottom through peak hour traffic the 4-5 km to the hospital.

An interesting day if nothing else after this start and we worked hard and long all day without a break, just the way I like it!

Tracy and I aren't going to be parents yet, just to let those who may be interested know.
And I only have one more shift with my current partner, thing are getting swapped around and I'll get a Brand New Shiny TAO, for three weeks till the end of roster.

Enough already,

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the big one.


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