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20 May 2008

Last day of rest.

Jesus, one single call for overtime up until today and I had to knock that back because I was booked to give platelets and plasma at the Red Cross and then a mid-morning call today for an arvo shift today which of course I can't do because I'm back on tomorrow.

So I started to make a few more of the TAO books and a new class started either last week or this and then Tracy wanted to go for a short ride. While negotiating a round-a-bout she had her first stack and it was 'SPECKY'!!!! (sorry I told her I would use that after my appearance on Bondi Rescue). A over T over the handle bars. Skun knees, big graze on the left elbow and a very dented ego. My wife's tough and I think this may be the worst injury she has had since childhood.
We walked out the corked thigh before getting back on the bikes for a slow ride home and some TLC and wound cleaning and dressing. Lucky I'm qualified to do that much!!!!

I contacted ASNSW Media yesterday about the VT arrest and a ZOLL watch and when I send them the details they will arrange it for me. Some one had already told the Boss about it so I missed out on bragging rights.
With our rosters now confirmed for the next roster it turns out my uni exam is between my nights so it looks like I'll have to have a deferred one??????

Well that should be enough, better get some sleep to be rested for tomorrow.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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