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01 May 2008

The last two night shifts.

Greetings all.
First night didn't hold much in fact I was pretty much board and fluffed around cleaning and straightening ready for the SO's return. (Am I allowed to mention that or will the complainers complain????){But I guess that those who know of whom I mentioned,already know them and therefore I can't be invading their - the person I mentioned - privacy by having mentioned them}.

I have already given myself verbal and written authority to reveal that I work in Sydney and as the near absolute majority of the readers seem to be other employees of the government department I work for and therefore already know me and where I work then I am not telling you or anyone else something confidential!
Now there was a big job on last night that has been big news all day so far and I guess that it may have even made it into international news casts [I really can't be bothered for the exercise here to find out, but lets say it did!] so everyone already knows about it. It could be said to be general knowledge then. Well I didn't go to it. I was one of the two ambulances covering the city central area but I just want to say how proud and pleased I was to listen in on the radio as the job ran and the way in which all those concerned conducted themselves and remained calm and focused. From the radio room to the newest ambulance officer there on scene, well done I am so pleased to be part of your team.

Well that will do. If you have waded through this post well done and if you want to read more about privacy and confidentiality you could check out the NSW Health, Patient Matters Manuals, Chapter 9 here

this is a public document that does pertain to the ambulance service and I have read it and I believe I have not disclosed private, confidential or reasonably identifying information about my patients!

I might go and watch that Bondi Rescue now and see myself identified to all of AUSTRALIA as


ps; I'm getting sick of this, if you don't like it go and look up ASNSW, NSW ambo or just ambulance on facebook and have a ball with that unruly lot!


Anonymous said...

You are clearly a self obsessed fool. What numbskull would seriously spend this much time writing that much garbage about their job?

TAZ THE AMBO said...

I'm sorry that the sarcasm was lost on you.
I think you may have missed the concept of a personal blog, it is about me and what I think or want to say. However I allow you to post a comment that I and others may find interesting or thought provoking if you wish to.
My job, I find it interesting, I want to write about it with discretion on MY blog and I will.
I don't want to watch Big Brother so I make the decision not to, you can choose not to visit MY blog.
