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14 May 2008

What's new?

Greetings all.
Well the broadband issue seems to have been fixed, we're still on the air anyway.

My new Trainee officer had done a shift swap with a classmate so I've had a different day 1 trainee for each of the last two days. Interesting???? Nothing really good as far as jobs go but we have finished late each day without dining so the penalty rates have been good.

I'm a bit behind with my reading for Uni and don't see any real opportunities over the next few days but I'll have to pull something together before it gets too much.

Shona, our remaining dog seems to have adjusted to the absence of Hope and Tracy and I have too although I did see another Kelpie Cross last week while riding home and I had an instant flash back to when Hope was that young and a brief moment of sadness.

The new hair ribbons seem to be going down well with lots of positive comments.

Thank you to those who have spoken to me about the blog and please feel free to post a comment if you wish. I have left it an open blog so anyone can comment but remember everyone else can read your comments too.

I hope the night shifts bring something interesting but not too taxing for my trainee and as always,

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


1 comment:

Tracy said...

and KA-BLAM, the broadband has died again, grrr, driving Mrs Taz nuts,