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12 June 2008

The 2am thought that wakes you up!

We've all experienced them at some time.

It's usually the name of that song you were trying to recall.
The name of that fellow officer you saw today and could only call cobber.
Or the silent review of a recent job and the blinding thought of that small thing that could have made it even better.

Whatever it is, we've all had it.

Now it could also have been the 2am bladder call but I'm not that old and well, I don't have that problem so it must have been this thought and explanation of when I post about how busy or not I've been.

There are two officers on the vehicle, I'm not a single responder but I only talk normally about me. There is just about always someone else there with me.

I/we, are not the only vehicle responding to incidents but as a sensible rule I don't comment on other jobs because I'm not there. You may recall an earlier post in which I did comment on a large job that occurred without me. It was about the professional manner of those on the job dealing with the resources, location, time and size of the incident that I heard via our radio and the comment was positive to all the voices heard, operational, comms staff and operational management.

But at any other time when I'm bleating about how slow or busy it was for me there are another dozen or so crews out there doing their best to serve this community in my sector.

We also know, those of us in the job that your work load can also just be a matter of being in the right place when the call comes in.

I am a very small part of a very big machine, I know that and my peers are more than able to make a comment on this blog about anything if they wish and some have.

I not really blowing my own trumpet, although I'm more qualified than most of you to do that (humorous commentary stemming from me being a tuba player for over thirty years!!!).

The views expressed here are mine, they are not those of my employer, they have their own web site to spruk themselves but I thank you for coming over for a visit and,

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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