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04 June 2008

I'm up early!

Don't have a reason but I am.

I've had breakfast, watched some news and have continued the downloading to the laptop of service pak 3.

Got an overtime shift for my days off, and lucked it at my own station.

Have started on assembling another ten or twenty of the booklets and even considered a possible new question that was posed at me a few days ago,,,,,, there in fact I have just added it now.

That's why on the cover it says compiled by Taz,it started with the original questions that my first station gave to all of us probationers when I was there, and then there have been additional one's I have thought of and those that have been suggested.

The whole meningococcal page was at first just an idle conversation that grew to it's inclusion in the questions.

And while I'm on it the role of the training officer in explaining to the trainee why these questions are asked is very important. Good officers are not created out of books alone, direction and explanation are all important to our continuing education.

Shit, it's just after 5am, bugger this I'm back off to bed

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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