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Oh, there you are!

19 June 2008

Greetings Friend!

As I expect you to be.
Because your here on my blog, you have made a conscious decision to be here and therefore I greet you.

Yea, it's been slow. No mammoth bursts of adrenaline, no big jobs.
Station duties get done, rooms tidied and some get sleep, I must admit I think on our last night shift I may have even checked the back of my eyelids for cracks!

I've got a bit of a limp from pain in my left lower back at the moment and I have just knocked back some overtime as I would like to rest it some more before returning to rostered duties.

Another crew needed a hand to extricate a patient on the third level of an apartment building the other night. My partner and I were on the foot end at first and I think that I used my body to slow down the decent when it got a bit away from us.

It just grabs every now and then so I'd be a fool to put it under pressure just for O/t rates.

But I have gone and given blood today. No blowouts like last time and I was wondering how many of you also give?

The rough Australian average in only 1 in 30 donate. I didn't before this job. It really wasn't even the job that got me off my arse to do it, it was my flatmate dragging me along.

The following are grabs off the Australian Red Cross Blood Service web site to firstly show you what your donation may be used for,

Platelets have a self life of around 5 days.
Red blood however has a self life of 42 days.
Plasma tops it off with a self life of up to one year.

I give whole blood every twelve weeks and every four weeks between I do Apheresis, which is platelets and plasma.

But what blood type are you?

Yea! these are the typical spread of blood types in Australia

I'm an O negative blood group, which is the third most common but it does make me a very interesting donor because I'm what's known as a universal donor.

My blood can be used to save everyone of you!


So if you don't already or haven't for a while, why don't you drop into you nearest blood bank.

Click Here to find out more,,,, I challenge you!!!

Go on.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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