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26 June 2008

The student ride-a-longs at our station have been getting an eyeful and we have all enjoyed their company. When I have talked to them they have been getting lots of good work and a clear view of what the job really is.

On the local politics side.
If it is a contravention of SOPPs for an officer not call off at the end of our lunch break, if you read the Operational SOPPs, at the commencement of shift each officer is to secure a portable radio, that the service does not provide enough of.

To me, the scale of importance of either reminding coms that we have now finished lunch (that they can and do interrupt if a job is called in) or each officer having a portable radio for personal security and safety is really a no-contest.

That management should be threatening officers with an official reprimand on our files for not reporting off lunch is another very poor decision made I hope by someone in the ivory tower who does not have any on-road experience and thinks this is a big issue.

Larger than individual officers safety even.

Maybe the investigations into Harassment, Bullying and increased Suicide Rates may be able to improve the lot of the on-road staff who often get the feeling of expendability from upper management when dollars need to be spent.

Well that's my political spray for the week.

Apart from that nothing much more happened, the rest of the shifts were slowish with no terribly interesting cases to let you know about and I already have an overtime shift for my days off.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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