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Oh, there you are!

30 June 2008

My Nan.

Wasn't allowed to call her Gran.

That was the name of the other one (Dad's Mum).

The farmers wife who taught my mum to be my mother.

Who cooked my meals and cleaned my clothes when I came to visit on the farm every holiday.

Who always wrapped and dated and froze every rabbit I shot at the farm.

Who loved my Pop and me not matter what mess we came home in.

Has left this place.

She feels no pain.

She again has no limits,

And she will be missed by us all.
Kathleen Joan Thomson, my Nan.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.



Terrell said...

I'm so sorry for your loss hun. I hope you find comfort in your family. Sending lots of big hugs and prayers for you and yours.

TAZ THE AMBO said...

Thank you Terrell.