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10 May 2009

Back in the saddle.

Well for a Saturday night in Sydney it was really a very pleasant shift.

About ten jobs all told for our vehicle. Nothing that challenged my abilities.
No Vomit, Wee or Poo.
Very little Blood. Spinal precautions on one patient only. There were psychiatric patients (full moon was out) but they were in the most very well behaved.

So it really was a good shift to get back into the swing of things.

The body was what did surprise me.

My dogs were barking real bad by the end (my feet).
My knees ached, my back ached and while the total hours worked was now less that the night shifts before I went on holiday (twelve hour day/night) there was a psychological effect.

We are allocated two 30 minute meal breaks during a shift between set times, but if you don't get to take them they disappear and you get a single $ penalty for each missed break.

We didn't get to take our breaks and while the night shift is two hours shorter I think the psychological effect made them seem longer.

I wonder if the new day shifts that are now two hours longer are going to produce a similar effect? This is not going to manage staff fatigue like it was sold to the Industrial Relations Commission.

Anyway it was good to be back, to have wax in the moustach and gel in the hair and a pair of polished boots. I made Tracy a cuppa when I got home and collapsed into bed beside her not getting up until 1700hrs.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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