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Oh, there you are!

04 May 2009

Day Seventeen of the holidays.

I needed to conduct some business in the city today and intended to ride in.
Tracy wasn't interested in riding during weekday traffic so I went alone.

I did call into work but I had to collect some paperwork from my mail to take with me, so there was a legitimate reason.

I did call back into work after completing my business but I had to put some of it in the internal mail, so that's legitimate as well!

Anyway it allowed Tracy to do stuff in the the Digital Scrap Book world were there is some sort of crisis going on with one of the overseas designers????

A quick talk with the only crew I saw about the new twelve hour day shifts only reinforced the impression I already have that they are going to increase our fatigue???

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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