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18 May 2009

Second Night.

1) Male, heroin OD, still some strong stuff on the streets and catching users out.
2) Young male intoxicated but didn't want someone to help even though he was in much worse shape than the one the previous evening.
3) Dialysis pt returned to home post treatment.
4) Post ictal with a head lac, no history of epilepsy but may occur with illicit stimulant use.
5) Police cells to check a person who had been stunned but not barbed by a Tazer. Their protocol requires us to examine the pt within a set time limit for the pts safety.
6) SNR - Services Not Required.
7) A middle aged female who believed one of her drinks had been spiked because she was not able to get up the numerous flights of stairs to her apartment. Now we were unable during the history taking to determine which of the drinks consumed over the minimum eight hours she had been out was indeed the 'Mikey Finn' (spiked). With good humour and protecting our pts dignity we assisted her home to bed.
8) Elderly person with vomiting and diarrhoea.
9) Cardiac Arrest. Not a good outcome and way too young. But from the view of ambulance or me, two Qualified Officers, ICP on the tube and airway, me a P1 on the IV (very pleased with the 14G I got there), Drugs and Defib with the two Padawans doing compressions and setting up for extraction, etc.

But the shift had not finished yet.

I think it's a good story so I'm going to give it a post of it's own.

Be careful out there and I'll see you at the Big One.


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